
As a community backed chain focussing initial development efforts through early community based funding rounds, OneFinity is poised to onboard a wide array of projects from all Ethereum VM chains.

To fast-track the economic development of OneFinity, a $1 Million USD start-up fund will be available to established and pioneering teams, with high standard products to deploy their services to the OneFinity Network.

Committed to lowering barriers for dApp deployment and fostering a rich, interoperable ecosystem, OneFinity is open to exploring collaborations with any tech enterprise looking to establish their presence on a secure, low-cost EVM-compatible chain.

More information will be released regarding the OneFinity grant fund including;

  • The applications forms and process

  • Funding allocations

  • Development assistance and technical lines of communication.

Stay tuned for more information related to the OneFinity Grant.

Last updated