Sovereign Shard

OneFinity EVM improvements OneFinity as an Ethereum "L2" Integrating rollups into the EVM-compatible sovereign shard represents a significant advancement, positioning the shard as a powerful Layer 2 (L2) solution / alternative bridging EVM and MultiversX ecosystems. This architecture enables seamless interactions across both main chains, ensuring high scalability, reduced transaction costs, and enhanced security. It's a ground-breaking approach that enhances interoperability within the blockchain space, offering developers and users a more efficient, scalable platform while maintaining the robust security features of the underlying chains.

MEV protection by default MultiversX uses a Secure Proof of Stake (SPoS) mechanism for consensus, which is distinct from Ethereum's original Proof of Work (PoW) and its more recent Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanisms. The SPoS mechanism aims to improve scalability and reduce the potential for centralization by randomly selecting validators to propose and validate blocks, reducing the likelihood of any single validator consistently being in a position to extract MEV through transaction ordering. Random Validator Selection: Reducing the predictability of which validators will propose the next block. Fixed Transaction Ordering: Some blockchains employ methods to fix or randomize transaction ordering within a block, making it harder to exploit transaction order for profit.

On-chain 2FA through Guardians EVM users could greatly benefit from the MultiversX Guardian feature by adding an extra layer of security to their transactions. This on-chain 2FA mechanism requires a trusted Guardian's approval for every transaction, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access and phishing attacks. By integrating this feature, users ensure that their assets are protected by dual consent, thus enhancing the overall security of their digital transactions and assets on the blockchain.

Relayed transactions EVM users can significantly benefit from MultiversX's relayed transactions by facilitating transactions without directly holding or spending the blockchain's native token for gas fees. This feature allows a third party, or "relayer," to submit transactions on behalf of the user, enhancing accessibility and user experience. Particularly useful for dApps aiming to simplify onboarding and interaction for new users, relayed transactions can reduce barriers to entry, making it easier for users to engage with blockchain technology and decentralized applications without worrying about transaction fees upfront.

Batch transactions Batch transactions on MultiversX enhance phishing attack protection by consolidating multiple actions into a single, verified transaction. This reduces the number of times a user must sign transactions, decreasing the likelihood of phishing attacks that rely on deceiving users into authorizing malicious transactions. By streamlining the process, users are less exposed to risky operations, improving overall security in their interactions with smart contracts and decentralized applications.

Parallel execution The introduction of parallel execution in an EVM-compatible sovereign shard on MultiversX will significantly enhance user experience by accelerating transaction processing times and increasing throughput. This means that users can expect faster confirmation times for their transactions, even during peak network usage. Additionally, developers can build more complex and responsive decentralized applications (dApps), knowing that the underlying blockchain can handle high volumes of transactions efficiently. This improvement makes the platform more attractive for both users and developers, fostering a more vibrant and dynamic ecosystem.

Linear storage Implementing linear storage in an EVM-compatible sovereign shard can significantly improve the experience for EVM users and developers by optimizing data storage and retrieval processes. This streamlined approach enhances the efficiency of executing smart contracts and processing transactions, resulting in quicker response times and reduced costs. For developers, it simplifies the complexities involved in data management, allowing for the development of more sophisticated and performance-sensitive applications. Users benefit from a more responsive and cost-effective platform, making their interactions with dApps and the blockchain ecosystem smoother and more reliable.

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