Operation modes


Starting with the v1.x.y release, a new CLI flag has been introduced to the node: --operation-mode. Its purpose is to override certain configuration values, enabling the node to operate differently based on the use case. Without any configuration changes, nodes will start with the default settings. However, there are several ways to configure the node to suit the desired operation mode. Instead of manually editing the toml files (or doing so programmatically via sed, for example), you can use the --operation-mode CLI flag to specify a custom operation mode. This results in configuration changes tailored to your needs.

Available Operation Modes

Full archive​

Enabling full-archive mode reconfigures the node to sync from the beginning and handle historical queries. However, be prepared for a longer sync time due to limited full archive peers available.

./node --operation-mode full-archive

Db Lookup Extension​

The hyperblock endpoint and others like /network/esdt/supply/:tokenID or /transaction/:txhash?withResults=true depend on the db-lookup-extension mode. This mode adjusts the node's setup to enhance databases, enabling them to store additional data such as logs and block-epoch links, which supports more complex Rest API queries.

./node --operation-mode db-lookup-extension

Historical balances​

Enabling the historical-balances mode alters the node configuration to support historical balance queries by preventing trie pruning. This increases disk usage but enables querying past block balances or nonces of addresses.

./node --operation-mode historical-balances

Snapshotless-Observer Mode

This mode streamlines the node for real-time requests like live balance updates or transaction broadcasts. It deactivates trie snapshotting and ensures obsolete data is purged, enhancing efficiency by avoiding resource-intensive operations.

./node --operation-mode snapshotless-observer

Last updated