
Rewards for a validator in OneFinity as a Proof of Stake network

In a Proof of Stake (PoS) network, validators are responsible for proposing new blocks and verifying transactions. They are rewarded for their work with tokens, which are the native cryptocurrency of the network.

The amount of rewards a validator receives depends on a number of factors, including:

  • The amount of tokens they have staked

  • The length of time they have been staking

  • The network's transaction volumes

In general, the more a validator has staked, the more rewards they will receive. This is because validators with more tokens staked have a greater chance of being selected to propose a new block.

The length of time a validator has been staking also affects their rewards. Validators who have been staking for a longer period of time are typically considered to be more reliable, and therefore they are more likely to be selected to propose a new block.

Finally, the network's transaction volume also affects validator rewards. When there is a high volume of transactions, validators will receive more rewards. This is because there are more fees to be collected, and validators are rewarded with a portion of these fees.

In OneFinity, validators are also rewarded for:

  • Proposing blocks

  • Attesting to blocks

  • Participating in governance

The amount of rewards a validator receives for each of these activities is determined by the network's consensus algorithm.

Validator rewards in OneFinity are paid out in ONE, the network's native token. The amount of rewards a validator receives is proportional to the amount of tokens staked that they have and the network's transaction volume.

To become a validator of OneFinity, you must hold the following per node:

  • Have a minimum of 3000 ONE

  • Have a Validator NFT

  • Run a validator node

For more information on how to become a OneFinity validator, please visit the Run a OneFinity node section.

Last updated